Privacy Policy
Amzync never sells personal data and carries out all operations in strict compliance with privacy laws. Examples of personal data include (but are not limited to) basic identity data such as names, web data such as IP addresses, and personal email addresses, You are in control of your personal information at all times. Amzync strives for its services to be safe and pleasurable for our users.
Amzync's primary data and servers are hosted at Digital Ocean's data center in the United States.
The information stored within amzync's servers is restricted to a limited number of our staff (e.g. software developers) who can access the information only in specific and limited circumstances and are bound by confidentiality. The V2 file information uploaded in our servers will not be stored unless upgraded to a higher plan. In this case, we will have access to your information from V2 files. V2 files store customer order information from the amazon seller central marketplace account.
Amzync’s servers are protected by firewalls. A firewall establishes a barrier between an external network and the network it guards to protect it from external attacks. It only grants network access only to specific IP addresses by whitelisting them. We use HTTPS to provide secure transfer of data to prevent wiretapping and attacks by middlemen.
Amzync reviews its information collection and processing practices periodically and will review and amend this Privacy Policy accordingly.